Excursus sulla legislazione vigente in materia di gestione igienico-sanitaria e tutela del benessere degli equini non destinati alla produzione di alimenti (non DPA)

  • Francesco Cerasoli Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Abruzzo e Molise
  • Antonio Di Luca
  • Nicola D'Alterio
  • Silvia D'Albenzio
  • Luigi Iannetti
  • Michele Podaliri Vulpian
Keywords: Horse; legislation; health; animal welfare.


The horse world has always been a sector that requires particular regulatory attention. Over the years there have been many legislative approaches to obtain regulatory clarity but many areas remain perfectible. Italian legislation divides horses into intended for food production (DPA) and not intended for food production (non-DPA). The non-DPA horse plays a leading role as leisure horses, sports, and commerce. The keeping of a horse (Equus caballus) not intended for food production (hereinafter non-DPA horse) must be responsive to a set of binding rules in various relevant and ambitious sectors. Among these are the rules present in the hygienic-sanitary legislation and in that on the protection and well-being of the horse. In the awareness of the complexity of the regulations, the aim of this review is to provide an excursus document on the hygienic-sanitary legislation and on the welfare of non-DPA horses, in which the expectations of a clarification or a regulatory in-depth document are highlighted. This lack is partially satisfied with the introduction of Legislative Decree 36/2021.
